Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Duotrope now a pay-site!

Duotrope is now a PAID SUBSCRIBER ONLY site.

For those of you who did not use Duotrope, it is a site where publishers and agents advertise for submissions. For those who used Duotrope when it was free, you know it is a great source for writers.

I wonder if they will improve. I wonder if they will survive. I wonder if I will still use Duotrope.

I wonder what other resources are out there.

To my writer-friends, were you aware of this, and are you still going to use Duotrope services? What other FREE resources writers can use?

- Eric

Eric W. Trant is a published author of several short stories and the novel Out of the Great Black Nothing. He is currently working on his second full-length novel with WiDo Publishing, coming in 2013! See more of Eric's work here: Publications